
Three Creeks is a diversified farm in Boone County, MO. We grow and harvest a wide variety of vegetables, herbs, flowers and wild edibles in the Missouri River Hills. Our produce is sold directly to the local community, including grocery stores, chefs, and florists within a 20-mile radius. All of our food is grown without the use of synthetic pesticides or fertilizers.



Paul is a Milwaukee, WI native. He has been involved in a variety of farm projects - at Teltower Rübchen farm in Germany, Growing Power Urban Farm in Milwaukee, and Pierpont Farm south of Columbia, MO. Most recently, Paul worked with Lincoln University's Native Plants Program. Before beginning to farm full-time, Paul traveled the country as a touring musician. When he landed for good in Missouri, he started his own band - Paul Weber & The Scrappers. You might catch him off the farm sometime, playing a show near the River.


Emily hails from small town Huntsville, MO. She has worked on farms and ranches in Italy, Mexico, and across the United States - for both production and research. In between farm seasons, Emily studied environmental science, ecology, forestry and sustainable land management. She also serves on the board for Greenbelt Land Trust, and is helping launch and develop the Working Lands Initiative - focused on conserving the region’s farmland and supporting the next generation of farmers looking to make land-based livings.

we are members of the missouri farmers union, the national young farmers coalition, the missouri vegetable growers association, missouri grown usa, the missouri young farmers collective and missouri organic association.


Our products are available for retail purchase (when in season) at : 


You can also find our locally-grown products on the menu at some fantastic food establishments : 

In mid-missouri :